
Autónoma en Línea

Job interviews

During week 16 students from Publicity and Graphic Design were had the opportunity to face a job interview in English and Spanish in their course of Seminar.  This seminar has been led by Professor Olga Sanclemente and she has had the support of the Bridge Program from the Languages Institute to carry out the interviews in English.  This academic activity has been of great help for learners who are about to graduate and who look for new opportunities to project themselves as leaders in our society.  This is another way of helping students from our university to face real world, by giving them the opportunity to reflect upon their role as future professionals and getting prepared for the challenges they may find along their way.

The Bridge Program is pleased to work in this iniciative and invites all the other programs from the university to plan activities as such which redound in benefit for UAO students and the community itself.


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