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Instituto de Idiomas

Do you know our english radio program UAO Speaks English?

UAO Speaks English is a live radio program, transmitted from the Audio Lab at Universidad Autonoma de Occidente, where weekly programs are broadcasted so that the entire UAO community has the opportunity to practice English in real and current contexts. 

UAO Speaks English focuses on offering a real space for the practice and learning of the English language, through conversations and activities on topics of university interest. This initiative started since 2018 with the support of OndaUao, and during the pandemic we kept the program live broadcasting from our homes, having last semester a residual impact of more than 20,000 people on Facebook. 

The entire program is created by students under the direction of Professor Diana Toro, who is also the conductor of the program, with the goal that students who participate in each transmission as members of the team and/or as audience members improve their oral expression and listening comprehension in the English language. 

Guests of international renown, like Stephen Carlile, a well-known Broadway actor and dancer, and Marlon Valencia, PhD, is the Director of the ENSL, D-TEIL, Open Learning Center at York University’s Department of English, have visited us during the current academic year, who interacted with our attendees in real time, providing a cultural interaction that enhanced language acquisition. 

We encourage you to keep practicing by tuning in to some of our broadcasts. Also, if you’d like to be a part of our team, please send an email to [email protected].

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