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Selecciona uno de los perfiles y encuentra información de tu interés.


Instituto de Idiomas

The magic of colors

Are you ready to explore the fascinating world of colors and their impact on our minds? Join us for a one-day club where we will delve into the science of colors and how they can influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. 

Discover the power of red to increase our heart rate and stimulate our appetite, the calming effect of blue on our nervous system, or the energizing properties of yellow. Learn how to use colors to enhance your mood, boost your creativity, or improve your productivity. 

You will have the opportunity to interact with like-minded students and share your insights on how colors affect your daily life. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and have fun at the same time.  

For further information, contact the Language Institute, ext. 12130 or 12140.

También te puede interesar

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Usamos “cookies” propias y de terceros con fines estadísticos, optimización, seguridad e integración con redes sociales. Puede conocer cómo deshabilitarlas u obtener más información aquí.
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