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Instituto de Idiomas

Honor Roll: this is how we celebrated the excellence of our UAO students

Institute of Languages at UAO held the Honor Roll ceremony on March 19th to recognize students who demonstrated outstanding academic performance during the 2023-03 period, achieving a final grade of 4.8 to 5.0 and without having missed any classes.

On this occasion, 60 students from English, High intermediate english, German, Italian, and French courses were recognized, as well as from the UAO Speaks English radio program, the English Program for Academic Staff, EPAS, and the English Program for Autonoma’s Personnel, EPAP. 

During the event, the dedication and effort of these students in improving their English proficiency or learning a third language were highlighted. Additionally, the ceremony featured a performance by Sin contratiempos from the Department of Culture of University Welfare, who presented a show for all attendees.

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Congratulations to all the honored students! 

Languages Institute
PBX. 602 318 8000, exts. 12130 and 12140.   

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