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Instituto de Idiomas

This is how we experienced the International Week at UAO

Last week, the International Week was held and the UAO Community was invited to join in a week of celebration and fun at Arco Central and the Bienestar Area from May 8th to May 12th. Everyone had a great time, with events, activities, lectures and cultural shows. 

In this event 1962 students from the different language programs: Italian, French, Portuguese, German, English, EPAS & EPAP, English programs for teachers and collaborators UAO, made their oral presentations, where they put into practice the vocabulary and the different topics practiced in the course. We had guests such as the capoeira group and the EF company. 

The community also had the opportunity to practice the different languages in a spontaneous way, through different activities that the students prepared for them. Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you all again next semester. 

For more information, contact us at the Languages Institute or at 12130 and 12140. 

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