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Instituto de Idiomas

Typical Colombian Food Club

Hey there! Hungry for some fun and flavor-filled adventure?

Get ready to spice up your language skills with our Typical Colombian Food Club. Our club is more than just words; it’s a delicious dive into Colombia’s food scene. Each meet-up is a ticket to the bustling streets of Bogotá, the chill vibes of the coffee farms, and the beachy bites of the coast – all with a side of awesome conversations. Don’t miss out on this chance to make English even more epic with a taste of Colombia.

For further information, contact the Language Institute, exts. 12130 and 12140.

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Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Usamos “cookies” propias y de terceros con fines estadísticos, optimización, seguridad e integración con redes sociales. Puede conocer cómo deshabilitarlas u obtener más información aquí.
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