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Instituto de Idiomas

Winners of the Song Challenge 2023

The Song Challenge 2023 took place last November the 2 nd. This event promoted by the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, the UELC Network, and Cidesco, was hosted this year at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, where students from different universities and majors from the UELC network gathered to compete for the first places.

The Song Challenge, in its seventh installment, was carried out completely in English as it is part of the UELC Network commitment to promote bilingualism among university students, opening real spaces in which music is the meeting point to connect culture and language.

In this opportunity, we had 7 universities participating: Escuela Nacional del Deporte, Uniminuto, Universidad Autonoma de Occidente, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Universidad del Cauca, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and Universidad Santiago de Cali for a total of 11 contestants who chose their best songs to perform and to delight the audience.

As judges, we counted on Juan Carlos Prado Caicedo, director of Javeriana Estéreo, Mauricio de la Rosa, singer and songwriter, and Andrés Felipe Chávez González who is teacher at the UAO languages Institute and an experienced musician.

The winners in this opportunity were: on first place, Malorin Mora Vélez, a communication student at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. On second place we had Santiago Ortegón Granada, a student from Film at UAO and on third place we had Karla Sofía Mosquera Mejía, a Social Communication and Journalism student from UAO university as well.

Thanks to all the people who made the event possible and congratulations to all the participants who had a wonderful performance in the Song Challenge! We hope to see you in upcoming events!

For further information, contact the Language Institute, exts. 12130 and 12140.

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