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Lo UAO de la Semana

Movie Club Agarrando Pueblo

Join us at the Movie Club Agarrando Pueblo every Wednesday in May. This week you are invited to see the movie The Room. This film is based on Irish-Canadian author Emma Donoghue’s award-winning 2010 novel that was inspired by similar real-life crimes.

This picture tells the extraordinary story of Jack, an energetic 5-year-old who is protected by his loving and devoted mother. Like any good mother, “Ma” dedicates herself to keeping Jack happy and safe, nurturing him with warmth and love and doing typical things like playing games and telling stories.

Their life, however, is anything but typical; they are trapped and confined to a 10-by-10-foot space that Ma has politely named Room.

Date: May 25th , 2016
Place: Aulas 4 Torreón 1A
Time: From 12:00 to 2:00pm

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