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Facultad de Administración

A teacher of UAO did an article for JEIM

Ana Judith Paredes, professor at the Faculty of Administration, wrote an article called «Relationship between Knowledge Transfer and Sustainable Innovation for Interorganizational Environments of small and medium-sized companies» that was approved by the Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, JEMI magazine by its initials, sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Poland.  

The results of this research contributes to the development of the research line of Sustainable Management of Organizations promoted by the Research Group in Economics, Accounting, Administration, and Development, Giecad.

This article was written by a team of three professor researchers who work on different universities in Colombia, strengthening the cohesion of research groups in the country. Among the contributions of the research it’s mentioned the generation of value in response to the relevance of knowledge, considered one of the most significant intangible assets of organizations and its contribution to driving innovation considering interorganizational contexts studied in small and medium-sized enterprises dedicated to the management and development of information and communication technologies in two regions of Colombia.

This investigation counts with the office of the Vice Chancellor for  Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s support allowing for “strengthening synergies that enable, together with the faculties, to continue impulsing research activities, whose intellectual output are visible and shared as part of the strategic direction of the university committed to research.”, commented Ana.

More information:

Nuestro equipo Facultad de Administración Departamento de Administración y Finanzas
Ana Judith Paredes Coordinadora de Investigación
602 318 8000, ext. 11588

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