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Lo UAO de la Semana

Test Your Knowledge Contest 2022

The Test Your Knowledge Contest was on Thursday, April 28th as part of the Palabras Autonomas Event.  

There were 8 Universities that participated, Escuela Nacional del Deporte, Institución de Educación Superior UCEVA, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Libre, Universidad Santiago de Cali and of course, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente.  

There were a total of 171 students that registered for the contest and 15 of them were selected as the finalists to represent their University. The event was transmitted through Facebook Live, of Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, where 80 people connected and supported their University. 

If you missed the final, don’t worry, the university saved the live for you to watch it:  

We want to thank the students for participating and for being part of this contest representing their Universities. Also, we want to congratulate our three finalists: Team Cooperativa and Unilibre in third place, Team UAO in the second place and the USC in the first place. 

We look forward to your participation and support for next year! 

For further information, contact the Languages Institute, exts. 12130 and 12140.  

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Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
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